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Video screen recording app in javascript

In this blog post we will discuss the video screen recording app in javascript we will discuss in detail about this app everything will be custom

About Video Screen Recording App in JavaScript

In this blog post We Will Discuss the video Screen Recording App in JavaScript. We Will Discuss in detail about this app. Everything will be custom no external API will be used. So let's move on to the logic I will try to explain everything in the steps that let you people understand the advanced javascript programming fundamentals. So let's move on to the topic.

HTML Structure Layout For Video Screen Recording App

First we create an HTML part where we add some buttons like start stop download and select inputs. The Start button will start the recording and the stop button will stop the recording for download and select. The select input is used to allow users to select the video formats either video/webm or video/mp4. and create a div with a video fallback image in which we display the video after processing.

Let's move on to the CSS part where we design the complete HTML layout beautifully. After doing all this we will start writing the JavaScript part. Let's move on to the next block where we discuss javascript logic in detail.

JavaScript Navigators API to Record Realtime Video on Client-site

Let's discuss the Navigator API in JavaScript. It is the most powerful and useful feature in vanilla JavaScript and allows you to perform a variety of tasks including the one we're creating.

We will use JavaScript media navigators to record the video streams so let's move on to the logic part. first we create default functions that we used in the case of recording the video.

Functions we used

StartRecording() stopRecording() changeFormat() downloadRecording()

startRecording() , stopRecording() , changeFormat(), downloadRecording()

In this section I will explain how to integrate the video screen recording feature. To begin we will initiate the model popup to allow users to select recording settings. After that we will create video constraint objects that include video audio and mediaSource as keys. We will then create new instances of the navigator.mediaDevices().getMediaDevices() and pass video: video constraints audio: true. To handle requests efficiently we will use try and catch statements and place this integration in the stream variable.

First we create a new mediaRecorder object and pass the stream variable as its first parameter. As a second parameter we pass a new object containing the mimeType video bits per second and bits per second. Next we use the on data available event listener to retrieve the data from the event. We check if the event.data.size is greater than 0 and if so we push the stream data into a new array. Then we add an onstop event listener to stop the recording but this does not actually stop the recording.

We are using onstop to get the content in the blob. After this when the user clicks on stop we will check if there is no active state then loop the tracks and stop them by using mediaRecoder.stop() to get the tracks we will write something like mediaRecorder.stream.getTracks(). Now let's discuss the last thing which is about downloading videos in different formats

Downloading Recorded Video with Format Changing Feature

This is the last part of the video screen recording app we add an onchange function to select input to get user selected video format either mp4 or webm and create a blob by passing a new array (media chunks) in the first argument and mimeType in the second format then create atag and paste the URL by creating URL.createObjectURL() in the href of atag and same for a.download to put the name of the video with type (.mp4|.webm). So now our video screen recording app is fully ready

Steps to Follow

1. Writing HTML part

2. Creating a Beautiful layout using CSS

3. Integrating javascript part

4. Getting all selectors

5. creating default functions like startRecording() stopRecording() downloadRecording() changeFormat()

6. Implementing Logic and putting a high level overview of navigators' API

7. We used a navigator.mediaDevices to handle our logic properly

8. Full Logic Implementation

9. That’s it

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