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About File Downloader in PHP that can download Any Image or Video (FROM URL)
In this blog post we will discuss how we can develop a custom file downloader that can download any type of file from a URL that contains a valid image or video with advanced validation tricks. This will help you a lot in increasing your coding logic with PHP. Let's Discuss what PHP is and why we use PHP. I will try my best to explain every concept in detail with ease.
About PHP (Fast & Perfect Server-side Processing Language)
PHP is one of the most popular programming languages mostly used to build dynamic backend panels software modules and much more according to your logic you can do much with only PHP. I prefer PHP because its syntax is slightly the same as C++. So for creating a custom module or tool that can download files from any URL with validation we are using PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor).
Download Any File From URL (Logic Explained)
Let's start by first putting an eye on the HTML part. First we add an input type URL through which the user can submit us the URL he wants to download File From with the download Button which was disabled at the time of beginning then we Design the complete layout with the Help of CSS for beauty. Then we start Our main logic which is about to validate the URL in JavaScript and download the file with PHP. Move on to the next block where we discuss the complete logic of PHP integration. But before lets shortly discuss the javascript part which we used to validate the URL and enable the button to let the user download his/her file
Pattern Used With Test Function in JavaScript
The JavaScript test function is used to verify whether a given URL is valid or not.
Complete Logic Behind File Downloader Tool
Let's begin discussing our main topic. There are multiple ways to download a file from a URL using PHP but the most efficient method is through the use of the CURL operation which offers advanced options for configuring the request.
Before we proceed we need to create some default functions that can handle everything properly. To ensure consistency we'll first use JavaScript to validate the URL. Alternatively assuming everything is running smoothly we can use a PHP function that returns the file type and name. To validate URLs with patterns we'll use the Test function in JavaScript. The pattern we'll use will be something like /(jpe?g|png|mp4)/. We'll then use pattern.test(//) for validation. Once the URL is validated we'll enable the button to submit the input to PHP.
Know when we come onto the part where we have to discuss curl operation. it is important to note that understanding is the key to learning anything quickly. So Next Block is all about the last integration which is on CURL
CURL Advanced Level Example With PHP
For perfect handling we use a try and catch statement. So CURL stands for client URL. You just need to know how to set up it properly in core PHP. Let's see an example of what we have to do.
There are three main things curl depends on. Initialization Request Integration and Closing. So first we initialize the CURL session with something like $ch = curl_init() secondly we we put the URL where you want to get the content from something like curl_setopt($ch CURLOPT_URL $url); then we perform some more functions by passing arguments you can fine the complete. In the last block of this post. after this we checked that if $httpcode === 200 that means everything is fine we will get the results in the $result variable close the curl session and pass the headers to properly download the fetched file. Now our custom File Downloader in PHP is completely ready.
Final Conclusion
After successfully sending the URL to the PHP server we can move to the next step. We can use the CURL advanced example to fetch the content from the URL and use headers to download the fetched content. Finally we are done!